
Inheritance Network wants every American to learn more about their inheritance and protect their family and their property by carefully developing an estate plan.

Estate Planning

The founders created Inheritance Network to help Americans plan their estate. We firmly believe that people do not plan their estates for two reasons. First, they think it is too difficult and second, they are waiting for the right time so that they don't have to do it again when "things" change.

Inheritance Network overcomes these two barriers by offering only easy-to-digest information and the ability to save and print all information so that everyone can come back in case "things" change.


Amazingly, before the Inheritance Network, information on inheritance was incredibly difficult to find on the internet. In fact, our founders could not find a single website or other resource that provided helpful information. Inheritance Network fills this void so American families can make the best decisions to keep the money they have earned. We hope you find our site useful and welcome your feedback.

©2010 Inheritance Network LLC